Friday, August 29, 2008

Little Is Much

This song is one of the first songs I ever shared with my new born daughter. Now, I didn't let grass grow under my feet. These words, set to these melodies, were there the first moment Esme entered our home. These songs calmed her and are still special to the two of us.

"Little is much when God is in it" has two meanings and both are beautiful.

This is applicable to something like a seed, but in the form of a human life, it is much more. See - if God is physically inside of something, like a baby or an adult too, then the little person could not be considered little since it would be infinite with God (who is infinite) inside. He makes His kingdom in the hearts of his children. So any 1xInfinite=Infinite. Mathematically sound thought.

If God is into something, like a human, He could make that person prosper infinitely. Just like when Jesus turned a few fish and loaves of bread into a feast for thousands, so could God make the small and weak into great and strong. If you let God in charge of a life, He would make much of it, especially with little at hand. But the hands that form each inside the womb, long to transform us into His image again.

In both cases it applied to my daughter and we prayed this song, as the blessing it is, over her life.

Today I see this truth in and around me, but now as much as ever I pray that God will make the little in my life - much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hadn't heard this song before, but I love hearing it with your thoughts in mind. I love the math and the kid!